Afterwards, he joined his 'partner' Sky Pilot (formerly Mile High), to lead the fastest-growing youth ministry in southern California, The Action Bible School. before he was supposedly forced out of the agency after a 'don't ask, don't tell' beef. Shoreleave, formerly known as Holy Diver was once an agent of the O.S.I. under the command of the its general, Hunter Gathers. In the Season Five episode ' What Color is Your Cleansuit?', he, along with the other S.P.H.I.N.X. Joe series) and the late, legendary, Queen lead vocalist Freddie Mercury. He is said to be a cross between Shipwreck (from the animated G.I. agent who once worked alongside Brock Samson and Hunter Gathers before going rogue and joining the newly revived agency of S.P.H.I.N.X. The Guild of Calamitous Intent (including the Council of 13) Skilled in hand-to-hand combat and lockpicking