Cheesey gay porno titles

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Led by twinkle-eyed “Ugly Betty” star Michael Urie, “Single All the Way” follows a perpetually single man, Peter, who brings his best friend Nick (Philemon Chambers) home for the holidays. As thoroughly unproblematic a gay Christmas movie as there ever was, unfortunately “Single All the Way” doesn’t leave room for much else. Nor is gayness window dressing, cliche-ridden, or milked for comedy.

Gayness isn’t some problem to be concealed, fretted about, or made fun of here, it’s merely part of the given circumstances. Though the title may be the cleverest thing about this cookie cutter affair, it’s refreshing to see a gay family film that doesn’t use its characters’ sexuality for dramatic conflict. Enter “ Single All the Way,” a cheesy new holiday rom-com debuting on Netflix. Whether cinephile, theater lover, or “Drag Race” connoisseur, everyone enjoys something silly to half watch while wrapping presents - and no gay can resist the divine decadence that is Jennifer Coolidge. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a gay man in possession of a television in December, must be in want of a cheesy Christmas movie.

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